What do you believe?
What we believe can be summed up in what we call the “Four C’s”:
- Christ – We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man; that He came to this earth and lived a perfect, sinless life.
- Cross – We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to forgive us for our sins and He rose again to give us the promise of eternal life.
- Commandments – We believe that the Ten Commandments are a transcript of God’s character; that they are still in effect and they are to be obeyed as a result of the salvation we have through Jesus Christ.
- Coming Again – We believe that Jesus Christ is going to come back to this earth a second time: literally, audibly and visibly. We believe He will raise those who have died believing in Him back to life and together with those who are alive and believe in Him He will take to heaven.
When are your services?
Our services are on Saturday morning. We have Bible study classes for all ages which start at 9:30 AM. Our worship service follows at 11:00 AM.
Where should I park?
We have a very spacious parking lot to the east of the church building.
What should I wear?
Come as you are! Many people dress formally, while others come in more casual clothes. We do not have a “dress code” per se, but we do ask that you dress modestly.
What should I bring for the Friendship Dinner?
Every week after our worship service, we have a time of fellowship and food in our Friendship Hall located in the basement of the church. You are not obligated to bring anything but to just come and enjoy good food and fellowship. If you do wish to bring a dish, we ask that you make it vegetarian (no meat: beef, chicken, pork, fish, etc.). Our church teaches an emphasis on health, and we believe that a vegetarian diet promotes healthfulness.